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Visiteur France

Immigration consultant's notes. Visa visitor to France is one of the shortest ways to residence permit in Europe.

Visa visitor to France is one of the shortest ways to a residence permit in Europe.

The issue of obtaining a residence permit in the EU countries is very relevant, while the choice of the country is often not associated with any preferences, but is determined exclusively:

  • by the complexity of the procedure for preparing documents and the time spent on obtaining a residence permit,
  • by the desire to minimize financial costs incurred in obtaining a residence permit,
  • by lack of language skills
  • by the term for which the residence permit is granted.

In view of the foregoing, a residence permit is regarded as a kind of “travel ticket” to the EU countries, especially for that part of future emigrants who do not associate the move with subsequent immediate employment and / or active participation in business.

And here, it’s completely unexpected for many (I mean residence permit applicants) that it turns out that taking into account the above requirements, France is very attractive, since a long-term visa visitor allows to stay in the European Union for the first year without any time restrictions, and after a year visa can be converted into a residence permit in France without much hassle.

At the same time, there is no need to invest in securities or a business, organize companies or acquire real estate. There is no need to accumulate hundreds of thousands of euro in accounts or demonstrate proven passive income ...

Direct costs: rental housing, registration of medical insurance, payment of affordable state fees and "proper preparation of documents." Naturally, the applicant must have the means to live in France, but these are very reasonable amounts (measured in tens of thousands of euros), depending on the composition of the family and the cost of a renting house.

Making a decision on issuing a visa does not require an interview with the applicant, but is always accompanied by a telephone conversation with a representative of the consulate, who (conversation) is often “decisive”.

It is a mistake to assume that the French immigration commissioners are ready to issue a visitor visa to everyone, without exception, without going into the purpose of moving and not delving into checking the financial condition or reliability of the applicant. The principle underlying their behavior is very transparent: as far as the visitor’s visa is available, the refusal is justified as well. Any suspicion, inaccuracy, incorrectness, an extra phrase in a telephone conversation, and - “Notification de refus” is very likely, though with the possibility of appeal in the manner prescribed by law ...

If you are interested in visitor information on a visa, we will assist in obtaining it with the subsequent receipt of a residence permit and full support both in Russia and in France.

The center was created as a result of the interaction of a group of Russian law and consulting firms with law firms in Austria, Belgium, Hungary, Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, the UK, the USA, Australia, Canada, etc. The idea of creation is to provide comprehensive support to citizens of various countries interested in deepening international relations, finding partners, obtaining a residence permit and citizenship, acquiring business and real estate ...